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Who we are

The material creators of this vision are Marília and Catarina.


In reality I begun my path in 1994 when I joined the Portuguese Air Force in the officers training and remained there until 2002. In 1998 I started studying Astrology, numerology and tarot. In 2001 I was initiated in Reiki and with leaving the Air Force, I started working in Monte Mariposa where until 2006 learned chromotherapy, regression techniques, aura reading and started developing several works in Shamanism, my greatest passion, integrating and growing, first with ceremonies of S. Pedro, then Peyote and finally Ayahuasca. Since 2007 I`ve been gathering experience in the Amazon jungle within the Shipibo and Ashaninka traditions in ways of working with several healing plants and in guiding ceremonies of this incredible medicine, Ayahuasca. I also learned to guide Sweat Lodge, Vision Quest, understanding and connecting with Totem and Power Animals, to respect and honour everyday the elements and

all Creation.


I had the good fortune of being the only Portuguese student initiated by D. Juan Uviedo (inspirational source to D. Juan Matos in the books of Carlos Castañeda), creator and founder of Energetic Cosmology, Stone Games and Reprogramming.


I feel my journey begun in my adolescence were the feeling of non belonging and incomprehension of the world that surrounded me filled all of my being and life. So I started an endless search of myself, of something bigger, more beautiful and truthful.

It was alone, without any kind of teaching that, at 23, which I found within me the awakening to a new path. And so I began my journey ...

Years latter I started studying therapies with the goal of deeply knowing and transforming myself, always with the objective of working me and not others. I studied Reiki, numerology, aura reading, ayurvedic massage, energetic cosmology, stone games, simbology, shamanism and I´m a Louise Hay teacher.


In 2010, I was guided in doing healing and starting on passing knowledge to others. In 2012, during a trip to Perú,

I discovered the powerful world of ancestral Amazonian plants and this discovery changed completely my way of being and life. Since then I have been learning with the Shipibo and Ashaninka traditions  in guiding Ayahuasca ceremonies and how to use other sacred Amazon plants in healing several other diseases and energetic states, to do physical and energetic cleanings, among other on going teachings

and growing.

© 2015 by O SOPRO DE DEUS

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