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The Amazon has the greatest diversity of medicinal plants on the planet. A source within the reach of a few but a wealth and power second to none. Discover the phytotherapeutic use of some of these plants. Each compound has its concrete medicinal purpose in terms of physical healing but also has energy variants as the person who takes and can always awaken or zoom features that reside within each.


The action of these plants goes from the treatment and cure of physical problems like lung issues, tissue regeneration, bones and joints, immune system, cancer, among others, to issues of mental forum like stress, depression or psychological fatigue. To start treatment is required a prior interview to define the best medicine for a specific person.

For more info on this plants click here.


We have consultations of several disciplines, read and feel wich is right for you.

New Amazon

Therapist: Marília Silva

Price: Included in therapy     |    Contact: 96 564 93 59


The Cosmologic map has its origins in astrology, shamanism and magic. Through its study we can know from where we came, what is our pattern, what we need to do and what we can create.In the map there are present 4 important moments in the formation of the Being: fertilization that shows how we are going to walk in life, 3 months pregnancy when vision is formed, 6 months pregnancy related with the feeling and finally birth that represents the integrity of Self and the way we guide ourselves in the world.


With the reading of this map, we can know the patterns in our life, may it be positive or negative. Relationships, mission in life, profession, money, blockages, family, communication, personality, knowledge, direction, etc.The Reading is directed to find ways of action, alternatives to possible difficulties and to bring a higher consciousness and peace to the person.

It is a therapy that has shown great results with children, when it performs the whole process until the reprogramming.

Therapist: Marília Silva

Price: 60€     |    Contact: 96 564 93 59

The elements necessary for the execution of the map are: date, place and time of birth, gestation and delivery type (normal or c-section).

This Game is an instrument of self therapy that can be possible to build after the reading of the Cosmologic map. This game is required for reprogramming.

It consists in 64 stones that represent the 64 more important concepts to the owner, which allows him or her to know from where the energy comes and how to resolve it.

Through the Stones Game, we can change ourselves, transform our dependencies and improve our

personal reality.

Stones Game

Therapist: Marília Silva

Price: 40€     |    Contact: 96 564 93 59

(at least 3 consultations will be required to work alone, followed by individual work at home.)


Reprogramming is the ultimate phase of a path of consciousness that starts with the Reading of the Cosmologic map, going through the Stones Game and finally arriving to this magical and Shamanic act of deep transformation of the being.


Through this ritual, that implies the death of old energies and the born of new ones, we manage to clench in the mind the changes that were worked through the Stones Game.

The main objective of this work is to help us to manifest our energy in an harmonious way and to free us from unfit mechanisms that were discovered in the Reading of the map, that prevents us to live our full potential.

Therapist: Marília Silva

Price: 250€     |    Contact: 96 564 93 59

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