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Stress and adrenal glands

Bold attitude and Taming. Responsible for the secretion of adrenaline and norepinephrine which together are in large part responsible for the defence response in emergency conditions, such as fatigue, cold, heat and pain, as well as shock and intense emotions, such as fear, anger and rage. They put the body in a State of alert, preparing to attack or escape.

What determines our reaction to events are not the facts themselves, but the way we interpret what we see. Even the lack of a misleading situation leaves us apprehensive and causes stress. To avoid this inconvenience, we must act with impartiality, investigate occurrences and not do anything rash conclusions.

The stress is not contracted through foreign substances, but by a set of reactions of the organism itself to physical assaults or exaggerated concerns.

To overcome the obstacles, you need a lot of talent, confidence in own strength Director and an adventurous spirit.

According to energy optics, the entire body is controlled by what feel. In these glands emotions cause organic instant answers, establishing physical conditions consistent with what we feel.

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