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Center of the imagination and sense of reality.

Called the master gland, energetically, the person's reaction to what happens around mobilizes the body mechanisms, defining organic conditions.

For example: by means of a temperature drop, if we're prostrate, run the muscles, causing tremor. On the other hand, if we react to the cold without letting us down by it, will give the body conditions to produce heat, easing the cold environment.

The thoughts induce feelings that can be triggered either by a real issue as imaginary. Thus, our mind's ability to create bodily States according to the way we interpret what happens.

Energetically, pituitary function is to manage the internal forces of the conditions of the external environment. The conscious universe represents the action of this gland stronghold; She uses our attributes, such as imagination, the beliefs and values that will form a kind of driving force to the functions of the pituitary gland.

The will is subjected to a kind of evaluation put part of our mental records, which are composed of what we experience or learn from life experiences, establishing the beliefs that will prevent the manifestation of wills.

The internal values govern our emotional condition, engraving in the body everything we stand for.

In this sense, the pituitary gland represents a kind of force Centre, able to shape the external environment the Interior content, and that we often can become a reality.

To change some unpleasant factors of our existence, it's no use running from them, triggering imaginary mechanisms, but rather face them head-on.

The inner transformation walks with the outdoor medium. As we act in life, we have developed our attributes and aprimoramo us.

Don't give so much importance to unpleasant situations represents an excellent resource to overcome the existential conflicts. Avoid getting the ruminate mentally situations that don't do well.

On the other hand, the excessive desire for good results interferes negatively on reality, making the access to what is pleasant.

The good mood is a State inside extremely healthy for good living, influencing positively the functions of the pituitary gland.

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