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Correspond to the scope of the partnership. Ability to love and relate to.


Energetically corresponds to our expression in affective relationship, our conduct vis-à-vis the partner, as well as the ability to get in front of those who live alongside us, acting coherently, and conciliators and preserving tenderness in our actions. Know determine our impulses and administer our wills to preserve harmony in the relationship is a condition that, in addition to promoting the approach with loved ones and strengthen the affective, it is also healthy for this kidney.


Energy-refers to the relationship with ourselves. Maintain respect for yourself, a good self-esteem, respect and self-esteem are essential attributes for building a healthy personality, also contribute to the health of this organ.

Another energy condition related to the left kidney is the way we welcome what comes from loved ones. The ability to stay with the best of the relationship, freeing us of dislikes caused by what the other speaks or makes.

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