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ENERGY RACES - the Water

This race offers us individuals who are born under the influence of the water element, in signs of pisces, cancer and scorpio.

Energy characteristics of this breed, it allows us to say that for the most part are extremely emotional, fiery and passionate. Put the passion in the majority of its shares, are loving, suits and manifest with ease and great intensity all forms of emotion. Are generally sympathetic and receive people with open arms.

The emotion is very necessary for these individuals, you need to keep the flame alive and pulsating love. Are subtle in their actions, versatile, which makes from infiltrating with ease in the middle where they are and slowly their dominate with innovative ideas. Are bold, can obtain trust and so enter the intimate reality of people, uncovering the deepest feelings, integrating with the feelings of the other individuals involved at the point of suffering or joy with a lot of intensity. Should seek a more concrete vision and always planning steps to guide themselves with more precision in the ways they propose to meet their goals.

Their minds are very fertile, ideas arise naturally as if they were always a source of inspiration. With a tendency sometimes introspective, sometimes isolate themselves, they become lonely, lovers of the deepest feelings.

(continued in the next posts)

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