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Summer Solstice

The summer solstice arrives on the 20th at 10:35pm and with it comes the biggest day of the year, where the light has its greatest breadth of life. This is one of the best opportunities to use this magical time to illuminate everything in us needs to be understood and accepted peacefully.

Let's welcome with open arms the summer inside us, the feeling of warmth, well-being and love this time prevails!

All the ancient rituals of the season celebrate fertility and abundance of Land, making it the best time to celebrate all that is good in life and we can nurture and take care of everything we have or we wish so special.

Celebrate through anything that might be different from normal, to offer something back to the great mother Earth, do something nice for who you love, help someone known or unknown, but light up your day and the one's around you. BE HAPPY and bright as the great Grandfather Sun dominates and controls the energy of this day.


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