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Eight healing Concepts

The cure lies in eight points. The doors to healing are love, consciousness and the discipline that in the lead to full access to each one. When we opened them and we are able to maintain our ability to maintain a balanced point of view we have reached the fullness of being healthy.

1 - the cure is the journey of a lifetime in the sense of wholeness;

2 - Healing is to remember what was forgotten about bond, unity and interdependence between all that is living and non-living;

3 - Healing is open arms to what is most feared;

4 - Healing is to open what was closed, smooth out what hardened in form of obstruction;

5 - Healing is to penetrate in the transcendent moment, timeless, in which experiencing the divine;

6 - Healing is creativity, passion and love;

7 - Healing is to seek and express be in its fullness, its light and its shadow, male and female;

8 - Healing is learning to trust in life.

Develop in us any of these concepts, opens the door for love and for health.

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