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The power of prayer

The power of prayer is recognized since ancient times.

It is no coincidence that HEART means With Prayer, because it is through her that we can achieve the energy of this giant Energy Center. Ever wondered, "How can I open my heart?" Well, here's the answer, by prayer.

It doesn't have to be something that you taught, nor associated with any kind of religion, must simply be the communication of your heart to something you consider divine. There are two types of prayers. Prayer directed, which is the one we do when we have a goal, a request, image or specific result in mind and involves intent. Not directed, which involves an open approach, without any outcome in mind, don't even try to tell the Universe what you should do, implies confidence and usually ends with the phrase: "thy will be done.". The combination of the two allows a link to our faith and trust in the mystery of who we are, where the prayer of Thanksgiving becomes the sum of the whole.

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