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The conscious

The conscious is everything we are mindful, causing some actions and getting their reactions. Consciousness is a quality of the mind, which are deemed to cover areas such as subjectivity, self-awareness, sentience and the ability to perceive the relationship between oneself and an environment. Be aware it is not exactly the same thing to understand in the world, but being in the world and the world to do so, intuition and deduction take part. Consciousness is a quality psychic, that belongs to the sphere of the human psyche, so it is also said that she is an attribute of the spirit, mind or of human thought.

Consciousness is an individual process. Each one of us lives his own experiences according to their knowledge. As we have developed internally, we expanded the horizons and assume greater responsibility for our actions.

Responsibility is the power to be ourselves, we answer for our skills, is to give our best. Life does not require more than we can do. Be at our best is to act according to our potential.

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