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With heart...

The heart is the bridge that connects the father sky to mother earth. Every day we must ask ourselves if we have the following characteristics:

Full heart

When our heart does not feel full, approaching people and situations, with only half of its energy. The feeling that experience is to be doing something we don't want to and that is a sign that we are in a bad position and it's time to get out of this situation.

Open heart

Have the heart closed means stay defensive, seek shelter in our own strength and protect ourselves against the possibility of being injured. The answer is to slow down, take the time to connect and feel what we need and reopen the heart.

Clear heart

If the heart does not keep clear, we get confused and carry within it the doubt. Then we should stop and wait, not to get in a state increasingly negative. The passage by any of those states is a reminder to be on standby to clear, instead of acting without results.

Strong heart

When we lack the courage to be real in our lives or tell our truth, we lose the strength of heart. The word courage comes from the French term, and etymologically means "the ability to defend our hearts or our essence". When we showed guts, we demonstrate the power of retriever paying attention to what has heart or meaning for us.

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