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Golden Year

At 4:31am of March 20th, starts a new golden year, ruled by the Sun, which symbolically represents the Christ energy. One can therefore say that initiates a period of spiritual enlightenment about all aspects in us that are still in the dark.

We have access to a new and reinvigorated energy that assumes a strong brightness and expandability, bringing the need to connect and trust in something divine, which is essential to give a more positive energy and feeling of protection, in overcoming the various challenges that may arise during the year, in particular as regards the propensity of our egocentric side. So attention to excesses caused by exaggerated notion of the self. By the more positive side, the time is right to work everything that has to do with self-esteem, recognizing all the potential we have and be able to express them.

Some of the questions we should ask are: what I want to show? How i want to see me and i want to be seen? Who and what to trust? What value I give myself? Do i have the courage to express what I am? These are some key points of this year until its end, on 20th March 2017 at 10:30.

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