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Good morning and happy Women's Day

In honor of all women today we dedicate our post to their ancestral power.

Within a Universal vision all women go through four stages of growth that symbolically the the energy of the Great Grandmother Moon.

The 1st initiatic female path is represented by the energy of the archetype of the Virgin, associated with the new moon. Here the creation process gains momentum, it's a moment of purity and interior needs. During this period, the energy concentrated inside the woman, in her intimate issues and can be difficult to be very objective in the "outside world". As a plant that starts to grow you must have patience to meet all requirements of this phase, which lasts until reaching the age considered an adult.

The 2nd initiatic female path is represented by the archetypal energy LOVER/MOTHER, associated with the Crescent Moon. The awakening of the female energy, creativity and sensuality. The experience of life through the senses and the pursuit of pleasure. With its growth becomes also the protector of others, being very close to the power of intuition and the decision. Here the woman becomes independent and more ambitious.

The 3rd initiatic female path is represented by the energy of the Witch archetype, associated with the full moon. This is the time to work, to express and deepen the personal purpose. Very intense and powerful, this woman increases your sensory and mental capacity, exploring the intimate capacity of power and knowledge. Starts a connection or period of soul-searching for the transformation, much more of love.

The 4th initiatic female path is represented by the energy of the archetype of the WISE WOMAN, associated with the waning moon. Time of tranquillity, where the full wisdom kicks in, the Counselor, that everything is clarified, integrates and understands. At this point the worldly affairs are slower, everything gets a different perspective, if the remaining paths have been experienced. This is the moment of genuine self-examination and can reach the personal lighting. Make peace with the past and dealing with all the unfinished business is essential. She is the Lady, the old woman soon to be Queen of transformations.

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