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The celebration of Jesus Christmas was officially established by Pope Liberius in the year 354 AD.

According to studies, the date of 25th of December is not the actual date of Jesus' birth. The church understood that should Christianize the pagan celebrations of the winter solstice that several people celebrated at that time. Even Roman celebrations, such as the festival dedicated to the "birth of the invincible sun god" on December 25th and the Saturnalia, celebration of joy in honor of the god Saturn, from 17th to 22nd of December, where gifts were exchanged.

So, instead of prohibiting the pagan festivals, the church provided them with a new Christian symbolism and language, originating the celebration of the Catholic Christmas.

Of course, that the spirit of Christmas as we feel is of joy, celebration and sharing with everyone. So we wish you all a merry and a very conscious Christmas!

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